Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Charles Law Fail

 #Physics Attempting Charles Law. The Hot water heats the Air in the flask and the pressure doesn't change at all. - Perhaps some better bungs will help. Used a Bourdon Gauge and a Manometer - no change #iteachphysics

Speeded up Mic drop

 Sometimes things don't go according to plan. Over the 30 minute podcast the microphone stand gradually got lower and lower - we had to buy a new @rodemics one. This new one won't move. Seen here speeded up 2500x

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Rode Mics

We have gone over to all @rodemics with the addition of two Procaster mics for the Going Green Blog and for general voice overs. The sound quality has gone up by 100% - such a difference.

The mics are set up for both of us

We also bought two mic stands to improve the manoeuvrability of the Mics. 

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Rode Mount with a Behringer C3 doesn't work well

 My Shock mount screw broke So I needed a new shock mount. Many were very cheap and about the same quality as the one I had so I went for a Rode version I tried a Behringer C3 microphone in a new Rode shock mount but it would fit, which is a shame because the sound ball works well with it and I don't have a front facing one I need to go with the Rode Procaster mics.

I did find a front facing cube but at £138 for one I will have to think again. The procaster works well but the cube kicks out much of the extraneous noise and so is more ideal to the non sound proof room.

The Behringer C3 does fit in the to the Rode shockmount very badly  I need an adaptor, but could find one. So maybe I will have to use the Rode Procasters instead.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Using a U-shaped reflector

Creating lessons  Using a Panoramic background

so that the two cameras one side on and one front on can see my mouth movements as I say words. This is so much easier than having to have two green screens at 90 degrees. The U shaped reflector provides balanced illumination from top to bottom and side to side.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Going Green Podcast #3


Our third video podcast. Making both the Podcast and a video of this at the same time. The green screen will take any background we want. This is the Manfrotto Panoramic background which enables us to use three cameras, one on both of us, and one on each of us. The Podcast is 30mins so the Canon camera is at its limit of what it can record, so we will have to look at a new solution  My first idea is either another Blackmagic Camera - probably a 4K as it can use the canon lenses