Social media marketing
A website today is not enough. You must also cover the likes of Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkin and the like. Social
media marketing (SMM) has exploded in the last few years and has become an esstential aid to promoting your website and business. Anyone who needs to create an effective and dominant web presence needs to develop sites on several socail meia sites in order to effectively compete with the rest of the market.
The sheer scales of social media marketing is overwhelming. There are hundreds of sites and each needs different ways of handling to benefit your business. It is vital to concentrate on a few of these sites rather than spreading yourself to thinly.
Social Media Marketing is a fantastic way to generate web traffic and increase your exposure. If ithis social media is handled correctly, it becomes a self-perpetuating system and grows exponentially. Once you have set the thing going it is your audience do the work on your behalf and will distribute your information to their friends and their contacts.
Your social media image will affect on your web reputation. It is therefore essential to ensure that any chat about you reflects the image you are trying to achieve or keep. One bad work (true or false ) can get around the system in no time.
All of this becomes difficult and time consuming. This is where we come in, for a small regular fee we look at and maintain your on-line reputation.
Can you have a Web site without Social Media Marketing (SMM)?
Of course the answer is yes. Its like having a car without the wheels!
Social Media Marketing Tools
The first thing you need to do is acquire a feed reader.
Register for a Delicious account
Backtype is a tool for monitoring blog comments. Now part of Twitter.
Technorati, which is the largest blog search engine in the world. When you register with it, Technorati tracks “blog reactions,” or blogs that link to yours.
Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results based on your choice of query or topic.
Yacktrack lets you search for comments on your content from various sources.
Use to get instant alerts from threads citing your name.
Use Twitter search, to locate any instances of your name and decide whether you want to tweet back or ignore them.
FriendFeed is a social aggregator. You have the ability to take all of your social accounts, such as YouTube, Delicious, Twitter, blog, and Flickr, and pull them together into a single (Friend) feed.
Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services.
Filtrbox is a system delivers only the most relevant, credible mentions of things you need to track.
Talk to people in your social network area.
When you’re first starting out, once a day or week will work for you, but once you get going you will need to look more regularly to what goes on in the world of Social Media Marketing.
Social Media Ranking Factors
- Monitor your target group
- Study the use and ethics of a particular network
- Write and publish your content on a personal level.
- Create links to the corporate website on all social networks
- Create links to social networks on your corporate website
- Give users the options to share your content on (other) social networks.
- Making sure an article is interesting enough users will share it after reading.
- Respond quickly to news and articles related to your company
- Increase your scope by focusing on more than one or two social networks
- Respond quickly to complaints and negative remarks about your company on social networks.