Friday 28 June 2024

Small is beautiful

 Being very small, the Insta360 Go 3 can fit in places other cameras can't and provides some more interesting shots and angles.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Sound design

 Sound Design: Start with a sine wave and change the waveform to produce generally worse-sounding noises. Tweak the effects and after a while, the sounds become better and more useful.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Filming - knowing the Wind Speed

 It isn't something every filmmaker does, but we check the wind speed before filming. This tells us where we can place the cameras and know they are safe before we film on the water.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Jib

 Using the jib to get close in on an object. For filming, we gain the ability to smoothly move the camera in any direction with a gentle touch, giving smooth movement.

Monday 24 June 2024

No wind = few sailing dinghies

There was barely a breath of wind. Four dinghies ambled in a nine-mile race. It took over 30 minutes to cover 1/4 mile with the boats becalmed, and Paul and I in the safety boat spent most of our time holding station by the bank.

Friday 21 June 2024

Organ Lesson on Zoom

 Years ago, this would have seemed a strange thing. We have a remote video organ lesson, but this is now commonplace. I can manage an overhead camera to see the keyboard and the pedals, one on my face and another showing the organ screen, all controlled by an ATEM.

Thursday 20 June 2024


 All things seem to take time; just creating a thumbnail takes a lot of effort with Photographic editors, as well as creating the video, editing it, and then adjusting the sound, colour grading and formatting into the different social media formats.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Club Relay Race

 Organising some fun at the Upper Thames Sailing Club Annual Relay Race. Recruiting Club members into a Team that can beat all the other Club Teams.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tears of my Students

From one of my students of three years. I have taught the whole family for many years going back to almost when I started Private Tuition


Monday 17 June 2024

Going Sailing

 Going sailing with the sailing gear and all the camera gear. We have twice as much camera gear as sailing gear.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Plans don't work out

 Some days, plans, however well made, don't work out. Either the weather throws a curved ball, illness strikes or something else and events that would happen don't.

Friday 14 June 2024

GCSE's Done

 A quietness falls over the classroom as the year 11 students do their last examination today, Next week I lose all the year 13's and then be ready to take on new students in years 9-12

Thursday 13 June 2024

Playing for Pleasure

 Sometimes, it's about learning to play something - in my case, getting syncopation correct; other times, it's about playing for business perhaps making a soundtrack, but best of all, sometimes it's just playing for pleasure.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Solving Maths Problems

 There is preparation before teaching. Learning how to solve the problems before teaching this to the students is especially important when you haven't done some of these problems for a while—in this case, the Sign Test Stats.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Canon 100-500mm Lens

 With all the sailing filming and photo taking, I must consider getting a better long lens such as the Canon 100-500mm or the 200-800mm Lens. One choice is to hire them and compare them.

UTSC Open Day Pictures

Just a selection of Photographs from the events and activities of the Upper Thames Sailing Club Open Day. Lots of people managed to get their first experience on the water.


Saturday 8 June 2024

Prep for Tea by the Thames

@Upper Thames Sailing Club Open Day Tea by the Thames. My team have been baking - rock cakes with loads of fruit and Vanilla Slices Making their way to the event


Friday 7 June 2024

360 video

Are 360 videos worth it? For certain types of films, 360 might be better but is it what the viewers want? Is it better for the editor to choose what the viewer is going to see?

Thursday 6 June 2024

Wersi Repair


Having tried to replace the soundboard and failed - it was too recent an interface board for my second-hand organ, it appears that the motherboard is creating all the horrible noises and the keys not working. Hopefully, I will be able to buy a new motherboard and M.2 SSD from Wersi so that the VSTs will run. It has taken 6 months to get this far, so it will likely not take too much longer to obtain a replacement motherboard and new longer cables and fit the soundboard.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

More film more edits

 Creating videos is getting longer. There are more cameras with more footage to sync, 360-degree video to flatten and select the desired view, Telemetry data to add in addition to the regular sound work and colour-correcting, and, if necessary, different versions for the different social media platforms.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Insta go 3

I'm trying out the Insta Go 3 as a body cam on the sailing dinghy. My first attempt was a failure, as I didn't manage to turn on the camera correctly, so I got a photo instead of a video. This is always a problem when you are in a hurry.


Monday 3 June 2024

Dry Capsize

 Filming the dry Capsize from the water. On the Camera-boat filming how to do a dry capsize by a young sailor practising how to capsize and right a boat without getting wet. I will have to do this soon.