Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Cabra 2 stand

 The ifootage Cobra 2 monopod is great for a tabletop camera. The flat base is much better than a tripod base and well supports a large camera and microphone. This makes it ideal for video calls used on minimum extension it get the camera at the eye level.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Zoom Gone

 A few minutes before an online class, I load up Zoom - like I did earlier in the day, and it's gone. It's a quick reinstall, and still nothing. We had to uninstall and reinstall, and it was ok. We will probably never know what happened, but it was a hectic few minutes.

Monday, 17 February 2025

New Music Jingle

 Launching the new music jingle to the opening and closing credits and using fusion to code up the timers on the latest iodine clock short. Many are unimpressed by this video trick until they see it for real and discover it isn't a trick it's chemistry.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Iodine Clock

We are filming the Iodine clock reaction. One moment, the solution is clear, and then, in a blink, the solution turns a blue-black colour. On film, it looks like a trick, but it is done live in front of students - no tricks, just science.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Safety Boat Course

 Out on the River Thames with the Upper Thames Sailing Club participating in the RYA  Safety Boat Course. This is the first part of a two-day course, which is learning how to safely recover people from the water and recover a capsized dinghy.